Saturday, October 18, 2014

hongdae's raw talents

Last night, I went to this place called “Hongdae”. For those K-pop fans I am pretty sure that “Hongdae” is one of the places in your “to go” list. Well, I am a concert blogger however come to think of it I often go to those kinda mainstream artists here in Korea. I tried going around and looking for raw talents in the center of the arts pub here in Korea which is Hongdae.

8pm is the peak time to these performers. Buskers are everywhere in Hongdae. Street passers gather around those beautiful melodies and just sink in to the gravity of time. There were around 5 performers that I personally witnessed.

  1.  the guitarist and his bestfriend

What I meant by “bestfriend” is his guitar. Those God-given fingers were flying over the place. Crowds were loving every single moment of it. He was interacting with the crowds and were teasing the crowds. Below are some clips of his performance. And yes, there were some fans who stayed until he finished and even asked to take a photo with him.

the famous mission impossible

2.) Footloose on the ground

Judging by the title you guys have an idea of what I am talking about right? Yes, that’s right they’re dancers. I was amazed at how they dance. I tell you I personally dance myself but the way that they dance lead me to a total different world. Those guys were dancing to girl group idol songs and I tell you they were more gentle compare to those girls.


1      3.)  Singer gagman

This person constantly makes jokes and gags every couple of minutes and the crowd were loving it. Unless you have a sufficient range of Korean you might not understand what he is saying. But this is actually a raw concept to showcase 2 different talents mixed together.


4      4.)  Boyfriend

Not the idol group boyfriend, but when he sings every girl  that passed by fell in love with that  sweet voice of his. It was sweet and romantic that definitely conquered the time of fall. He sings to different songs and he himself played the guitar and immerse in the universe of music. (omg, i gave him some money and water!!)

1   5.)  Band on the move
They were teasing the crowds, moving the hearts of the listeners. The melodies that resonates in the ears and those notes that move the bars enabled one to believe in the magic of music. They were grooving and were seeing.

Overall, the experience of this road of raw talents enabled me to see and appreciate music at a different scale. What is music without expression? Music is definitely a form of art that reaches out to different people.

Next blog: SISTAR and VASCO at hannam university, daejeon. (college music festival edition)

Twitter: @kokling33
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Instagram: kencykate

Love lots
-Kency O

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